Thursday, September 19, 2013

Getting Rust off of Hand Tools

So I took a little blogging hiatus... I don't know if I've mentioned it on this blog, but I was a 5th grade teacher for many years. And the beginning of the school year was always brutal. I'd come home from working with 30+ students all day, and I just wanted to crawl into bed!

As it turns out, the feeling is similar as a mom. Between getting my kindergartener and preschooler to their respective schools on time (on two very different schedules), as well as driving to swim lessons, dance class, etc. I am TIRED! Throw in some house guests, and I haven't been too terribly handy lately. So, I apologize! I am trying to get back into the groove! I have lots of great ideas, but just no TIME. Isn't that how it always goes?

However... I do have a helpful tidbit to share today! My husband was outside earlier today, and came back in holding his compound square. I mentioned that tool in a previous post-- my hubby has one that was on the pricey side. Welllll... I used it outside when I was making my DIY Wall Ruler Growth Chart, and I never put it away. BAD HANDY MOMMY, BAD!!! I left it out on our screened-in porch. I just forgot. And, well, it gets humid here. The thing was covered with rust. Husband was NOT HAPPY with me at all!

The good news is that "new" rust like this can be removed with a little elbow grease. We sprayed it with WD-40 and scrubbed it with fine steel wool. I've also read that you can use 300 grit (very fine) sandpaper. And somewhere else, I read that you can make a paste with lemon juice and sodium bicarbonate (also known as baking soda, haha!) and use that. But really, WD-40 and steel wool worked just fine.

And there you have it! Lesson learned: always put your tools away, especially if they aren't yours and they cost a pretty penny! But our marriage lives to see another day. And now we know how to get the rust off of our tools!

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